I think I found "THE ONE" but... 

I think I found "THE ONE" but...

Let me first start this out by explaining what I mean by "THE ONE"-believe it or not I am a true idealistic romantic when it comes to knowing you have found "ThE ONE." I believe that when I meet the right person, I will just know. It's the feeling of someone "getting" you without really knowing you yet. It's more than just a physical chemistry at first glance kind of feeling. It's a deep instant bond you have with someone when you first meet them. Alright, here's an analogy. You know the feeling you have when you are working on a puzzle and you only have one more piece to complete it and you have lost it but then you find it and snap it into place and you get that satisfying "completed" feeling. Well, that's what I am talking about. "THE ONE," my last piece of the puzzle. I know most of you may be a little shocked about this type of thing especially coming from me. i always thought that maybe that this was too much to ask for but I met someone that made me believe in my hopeless storybook romantic view again. The "but" in my title is that he is going to Spain in a week. Long story on the details but the main thing is that he is going for his second Masters degree there and the program is almost 2 yrs long. I met him Friday and he found out that he was accepted on Saturday and the classes start this week! Talk about shitty timing. He asked me to go with him. I may be impulsive but that's a little extreme even for me! Is it possible that you can be heart broken so soon after meeting someone? Could my idea of finding "THE ONE" be valid? Anyone with any answers or comments on this, let me know.


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Comment I don't really believe in "the one". What I have seen, repeatedly, is that some of the feelings you are expressing often surface when you meet someone with whom you are highly combatible but who is predetermined to only be in your life for a short period of time. Suddenly, that person becomes THAT much more attractive and seemingly perfect. I'm not trying to deny that the guy was/is a great match for you, I just don't buy into the concept that there is only one person for each of us. I do believe in the concept of soulmate, I just don't think there's only one. I love Scott immeasurably, he loves me a little bit too -- but if things didn't work out, it's not like we'd each be alone for the rest of our lives because we missed out on this chance. That's why I'm disinclined to fully agree with "the one" concept -- there's all this pressure that's tied into it.

Thu Nov 6, 2003 5:13 am MST by Heather

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